What Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Chiropractic De Pere WI Hyperbaric Therapy Patient In Machine

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a treatment in which a patient breathes air or varying amounts of oxygen while inside a pressurized chamber. This is with the pressure being anything above 1 atmosphere. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy was first used about 350 years ago. During the 1960s, studies started to show many beneficial uses of hyperbarics. Since that time, multitudes of people have found hyberbarics to be effective and beneficial. Contact our De Pere WI chiropractic clinic today to learn more.

WHAT IS Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy USED FOR In De Pere WI?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy helps decrease swelling and decrease inflammation. There are many conditions that hyperbarics helps with because many conditions involve swelling and inflammation. Some of the conditions that hyperbarics helps with include fatigue, post covid care, brain injuries, post stroke care, dementia, musculoskeletal issues, post surgical healing, Bell’s palsy, diabetes, Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, anemia and autism.

Chiropractic De Pere WI Hyperbaric Outside Oxygen Therapy Machine Whole Chamber
Chiropractic De Pere WI Hyperbaric Therapy Machine From Side
Chiropractic De Pere WI Hyperbaric Therapy Machine

IS Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy SAFE?

Yes, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is safe. At times, hyperbaric patients can have mild ear pressure discomfort. This discomfort is comparable to what is experienced when you ascend or descend in a plane. We will help you find ways to minimize or avoid this discomfort.

DOES INSURANCE COVER Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Insurance in the United States covers Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for indications such as decompression sickness, gas embolisms, gas gangrene, bone infections, skin grafts, radiation injury, diabetic foot ulcers and carbon monoxide poisoning. Typically, insurance companies do not cover these services for the conditions we are using it for. We would be happy to answer any questions that you have about your insurance coverage.

IS Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy SAFE FOR THE ELDERLY?

Yes, hyperbarics is safe for our “more mature” clientele. There are many conditions that this therapy helps with including musculoskeletal issues, fatigue, memory issues and diabetes, just to name a few.


Chiropractic De Pere WI Hyperbaric Therapy And Children

Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy SAFE FOR CHILDREN?

Yes, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is safe for children. There are many conditions that hyperbaric helps children with. Feel free to call us to learn about hyperbaric oxygen therapy for your children.


We offer the option to rent a hyperbaric oxygen chamber for your in-home use. This allows you the flexibility to use the chamber in the comfort of your home. DeLorey Chiropractic will set up the chamber and provide any needed training. To learn more about how to rent a hyperbaric chamber, please call our DeLorey Chiropractic at (920) 965-6600.


Chiropractic De Pere WI Vitaeris320 Machine


In our clinic, we have two styles of chambers which gives our clients the option to either sit or lay in the chamber. If you are claustrophobic, or have concerns that you might be, we recommend that you utilize our larger chamber. This chamber allows you to sit and look out one of the two small windows.

We also recommend that you bring along a book or magazine to distract yourself while in the chamber. Also, we want you to know that you are always in control and can end the session at anytime that you choose by letting us know on the walkie talkie.

The "gold standard" in hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a 40-hour protocol. With that said, our recommendations are based on the specific need of the client. For example, for musculoskeletal issues our recommendations vary between 10 and 40 sessions.

Before giving a recommendation, we will do a consultation to understand what is going on with the prospective client. In that consultation, we strive to learn what we need to know to give the best recommendation to the client. Our recommendations vary and are based on the client's specific health issues, goals, time constraints and financial concerns.

The majority of our sessions are 60 minutes in length. We also offer 90 minute sessions. Research studies on hyperbaric oxygen therapy have typically been done at 60 to 90 minute sessions. The majority of these studies have found positive results.

CAN I DO hyperbaric oxygen therapy IF I AM PREGNANT?
Please feel free to contact our office if you are pregnant and are considering hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Some people see immediate results and other see results even 4 weeks after their 40-hour protocol has finished.

To schedule a complimentary consultation for hyperbaric oxygen therapy, contact our office at (920) 965-6600!

8:30am - 1:00pm
1:45pm - 5:30pm

8:30am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm

1:45pm - 5:30pm

8:30am - 1:00pm
1:45pm - 5:30pm

8:30am - 1:00pm
1:45pm - 5:00pm

By Appointment

DeLorey Chiropractic
1488 Mid Valley Drive
De Pere, WI 54115
(920) 965-6600